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“Dear Humboldt Forum" is a voice narrating letter to Humboldt Forum about drawing and its process when artist reaches out to connect, about the space of colonial museum and its energy, the object "ding" and its culture and how it means to its people. All these aspects are layered and have been hard to be expressed throughout both the Spatial Drawing course (by Elaine Bonavia) and theory course Colonial Presents (by Juana Awad). The video is an attempt to express all these layered aspects.
The second part of the video presents a scenario where the objects in Humboldt Forum are returned to their country and placed in an exhibition that combines 3D technology. If objects had souls, how can the technology of 3D, holograms visualize them? How can artists use 3D as a medium that could strengthen the spiritual sides of objects?
videostill, Spatial Drawing with Vive Tracker of object "ding"
videostill, object "ding" in Humboldt Forum
videostill, an example of a "ding" in Vietnam. Taken in Lunar New Year 2023
videostill. My Grandmother praying to ancestor on Lunar New Year's Eve
videostill, motion tracked footage from Sunny Travel: / @sunnytravel2883
videostill, motion tracked footage from Sunny Travel: / @sunnytravel2883
Morphing with your cage, 3D Render, object ding 2023, "Mingled Living Forces", Humboldt Forum.